National Elevator Cab & Door Corp

1290 Avenue of the Americas

Vornado Realty Trust  |  MdeAS Architects

Details ⌵

As part of a major capital improvement, MdeAS revitalized this significant 1960’s building into the Twenty-First Century with a new program for storefront and lobby. A simple complimentary design included a dignified and monumental lobby cladded in white marble and sophisticated detailing. Likewise, where the openness and grandeur of the space is characterized by the sprawling white and grey marble, this design is complimented by the yet heavily contrasting elevators and their design, as per National's handiwork.

The warm wood panelling presents a sense of comfortable yet clean entry into the core of the building. The cabs are marked by their notable clean, simple geometric design, yet are further punctuated by an exciting collaboration with Elevecture; the overhead lights have been specially crafted using LED panels, creating a truly even spread of natural light. This multimillion-dollar lobby and plaza renovation redefined the building’s aesthetic in ways both bold and subtle, both contemporary and timeless.